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Parking & Exterior Routes

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Parking & Exterior Routes

Accessible Routes from site arrival points to accessible entrances are required.

1.1 Is there at least one route from site arrival points (parking, passenger loading zones, public sidewalks and public transportation stops) that does not require the use of stairs? [See 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design – 206.2.1]
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Accessible Parking - Spaces should be identified by size, access aisles and signage.

1.2 If parking is provided for the public, are an adequate number of accessible spaces provided? [208.2]
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1.3 Of the accessible spaces, is at least one for every six a van accessible space?* [208.2.4]
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1.4 Are accessible spaces at least 8 feet wide with an access aisle at least 5 feet wide? [502.2, 502.3] Note: Two spaces may share an access aisle. Check state/local requirements; some specify that each space have its own aisle.
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1.5 Is the van accessible space: At least 11 feet wide with an access aisle at least 5 feet wide? - Or - At least 8 feet wide with an access aisle at least 8 feet wide? [502.2]
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1.6 Is at least 98 inches of vertical clearance provided for the van accessible space? [502.5]
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1.7 Are the access aisles marked so as to discourage parking in them? [502.3.3] Note: The marking method and color may be addressed by state/local requirements.
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1.8 Is the slope of the accessible parking spaces and access aisles no steeper than 1:48 in all directions? [502.4]
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1.9 Do the access aisles adjoin an accessible route? [502.3]
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1.10 Are accessible spaces identified with a sign that includes the International Symbol of Accessibility? Is the bottom of the sign at least 60 inches above the ground? [502.6] Note: The International Symbol of Accessibility is not required on the ground.
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1.11 Are there signs reading “van accessible” at van accessible spaces? [502.6]
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1.12 Of the total parking spaces, are the accessible spaces located on the closest accessible route to the accessible entrance(s)? [208.3.1] Note: If parking serves multiple entrances, accessible parking should be dispersed.
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Exterior Accessible Routes

1.13 Is the route stable, firm and slip-resistant? [302.1]
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1.14 Is the route at least 36 inches wide? [403.5.1] Note: The accessible route can narrow to 32 inches min. for a max. of 24 inches. These narrower portions of the route must be at least 48 inches from each other.
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1.15 If the route is greater than 200 feet in length and less than 60 inches wide, is there a passing space no less than 60 x 60 inches? [403.5.3]
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1.16 If there are grates or openings on the route, are the openings no larger than ½ inches? Is the long dimension perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel? [302.3]
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1.17 Is the running slope no steeper than 1:20, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 20 inches of route run? [403.3] Note: If the running slope is steeper than 1:20, treat as a ramp and add features such as edge protection and handrails.
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1.18 Is the cross slope no steeper than 1:48? [403.3]
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Curb Ramps

1.19 If the accessible route crosses a curb, is there a curb ramp? [402.2]
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1.20 Is the running slope of the curb ramp no steeper than 1:12, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 12 inches of curb ramp run? [406.1, 405.2]
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1.21 Is the cross slope of the curb ramp, excluding flares, no steeper than 1:48? [406.1, 405.3]
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1.22 Is the curb ramp, excluding flares, at least 36 inches wide? [406.1, 405.5]
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1.23 At the top of the curb ramp is there a level landing (slope no steeper than 1:48 in all directions) that is at least 36 inches long and at least as wide as the curb ramp? [406.4] If there are curb ramp flares, are the slopes of the flares no steeper than 1:10, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 10 inches of flare run? [406.3]
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1.24 If the landing at the top is less than 36 inches long, are there curb ramp flares? Are the slopes of the flares no greater than 1:12, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 12 inches of flare run? [406.4]
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