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Golf Access

Golf Facilities

13.1 Is there an accessible route to the entrance of the golf facility?
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13.2 Is there an accessible route or golf car passage that connects to the: Golf car rental area? Bag drop area? Weather shelter? Course toilet room? Practice putting green? Practice teeing ground? Teeing ground? Driving range teeing station? Note: A golf car passage is a continuous passage on which a motorized golf car can operate. It may be substituted for all or part of the accessible route. It does not need to have a prepared surface. It may be on fairways, greens and teeing surfaces.
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13.3 Is the accessible route at least 48 inches wide or at least 60 inches wide if there are handrails? Note: Handrails are not required on golf courses. If there are handrails, they do not have to comply with the ADA Standards.
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13.4 If a golf car passage is provided instead of an accessible route is the clear width of the passage at least 48 inches?
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13.5 If a curb or other barrier on the golf car passage prevents golf cars from entering a fairway, is there an opening at least 60 inches wide at intervals no more than 75 yards apart for golf car passages?
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13.6 If there is one teeing ground for a hole, can a golf car enter and exit the teeing ground? Note: A teeing ground is the starting place for a hole of golf. A rectangular area usually two club-lengths in depth, the teeing ground’s borders are defined by the outside limits of two tee-markers.
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13.7 If there are two teeing grounds for a hole: Can a golf car enter and exit the forward teeing ground, unless it is not possible due to terrain? If a golf car cannot enter and exit the forward teeing ground, can it enter and exit the other teeing ground?
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13.8 If there are three or more teeing grounds for a hole: Can a golf car enter and exit at least two teeing grounds, including the forward teeing ground unless it is not possible due to terrain? If a golf car cannot enter and exit the forward teeing ground can it enter and exit the other two teeing grounds?
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13.9 Can a golf car enter and exit each putting green?
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13.10 Can a golf car enter at least 5 percent but not fewer than one of: Practice putting greens? Practice teeing grounds? Teeing stations at a driving range?
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13.11 If there is a weather shelter: Can a golf car enter and exit the shelter? Is there a clear floor/ground space at least 60 inches by at least 96 inches within the shelter?
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Miniature Golf Facilities

13.12 Is there an accessible route to the entrance of the miniature golf facility?
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13.13 Is there an accessible route to at least 50 percent of the golf holes, including the start of play? Where the accessible route is provided on the play surface of the accessible holes, the following exceptions apply: 1. If there is carpet, it may be higher than ½ inch thick and does not have to be securely attached. 2. If the accessible route intersects the playing surface of a hole, a curb no higher than 1 inch is permitted for a width of at least 32 inches. 3. If the rise is no greater than 4 inches, a slope no greater than 1:4 is permitted. 4. If there is a ramp with landings: the landing slope is permitted to be no greater than 1:20; length of the landing at the top and bottom is permitted to be at least 48 inches long; and the size of the landing where the ramp changes direction is permitted to be at least 48 inches by at least 60 inches. 5. Handrails are not required on holes.
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13.14 Are the accessible holes connected by the accessible route consecutive? Exception: One break in the sequence of consecutive holes is permitted if the last hole on the course is the last hole in the sequence.
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13.15 Is there an accessible route from the last accessible hole to the course entrance or exit that does not require travel through any other holes on the course?
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13.16 At the start of play for the accessible holes, is there a clear floor/ground space at least 48 inches by at least 60 inches? Is the slope of the clear space no greater than 1:48, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 48 inches of run?
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13.17 At the accessible holes where golf balls rest, is there a clear floor/ground space at least 36 inches wide by at least 48 inches long? Is the running slope of the clear space no greater than 1:20, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 20 inches of run?
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13.18 Are all areas of accessible holes where golf balls rest no greater than 36 inches from the clear space?
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