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Interior Accessible Routes

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Interior Accessible Routes

3.1 Does the accessible entrance provide direct access to the main floor, lobby and elevator? [See 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design – 206.4]
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3.2 Are all public spaces on at least one accessible route? [206.2.4]
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3.3 Is the route stable, firm and slip-resistant? [40.2, 302.1]
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3.4 Is the route at least 36 inches wide? [403.5.1] Note: The accessible route can narrow to 32 inches min. for a max. of 24 inches. These narrower portions of the route must be at least 48 inches from each other.
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3.5 If the route is greater than 200 feet in length and less than 60 inches wide, is there a passing space no less than 60 x 60 inches? [403.5.3]
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3.6 Is the running slope no steeper than 1:20, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 20 inches of route run? [403.3] Note: If the running slope is steeper than 1:20, treat as a ramp and add features such as edge protection and handrails.
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3.7 Is the cross slope no steeper than 1:48? [403.3]
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3.8 Do all objects on circulation paths through public areas, e.g. fire extinguishers, drinking fountains, signs, etc., protrude no more than 4 inches into the path? Or If an object protrudes more than 4 inches, is the bottom leading edge at 27 inches or lower above the floor? [307.2] Or Is the bottom leading edge at 80 inches or higher above the floor? [307.4]
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3.9 Are there elevators or platform lifts to all public stories? Note: Vertical access is not required in new construction or alterations if a facility is less than three stories or has less than 3,000 square feet per story, unless the facility is a shopping center, shopping mall, professional office of a health care provider, transportation terminal, state facility or local government facility.
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3.10 If there is a ramp, is it at least 36 inches wide? [405.5] Note: If there are handrails, measure between the handrails.
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3.11 Is the surface stable, firm and slip resistant? [405.4]
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3.12 For each section of the ramp, is the running slope no greater than 1:12, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 12 inches of ramp run? [405.2] Note: Rises no greater than 3 inches with a slope no steeper than 1:8 and rises no greater than 6 inches with a slope no steeper than 1:10 are permitted when due to space limitations.
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3.13 Is there a level landing that is at least 60 inches long and at least as wide as the ramp: At the top of the ramp? At the bottom of the ramp? [405.7.2, 405.7.3]
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3.14 Is there a level landing where the ramp changes direction that is at least 60 x 60 inches? [405.7.4]
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3.15 If the ramp has a rise higher than 6 inches are there handrails on both sides? [405.8]
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3.16 Is the top of the handrail gripping surface no less than 34 inches and no greater than 38 inches above the ramp surface? [505.4]
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3.17 Is the handrail gripping surface continuous and not obstructed along the top or sides? [505.3] If there are obstructions, is the bottom of the gripping surface obstructed no more than 20%? [505.6]
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3.18 If the handrail gripping surface is circular, is it no less than 1 ¼ inches and no greater than 2 inches in diameter? [505.7.1]
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3.19 If the handrail gripping surface is non-circular: Is the perimeter no less than 4 inches and no greater than 6¼ inches? Is the cross section no greater than 2¼ inches? [505.7.2]
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3.20 Does the handrail: Extend at least 12 inches horizontally beyond the top and bottom of the ramp? Return to a wall, guard, or landing surface? [505.10.1] Note: If a 12” extension would be hazardous (in circulation path), it is not required.
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3.21 To prevent wheelchair casters and crutch tips from falling off: Does the surface of the ramp extend at least 12 inches beyond the inside face of the handrail? Or Is there a curb or barrier that prevents the passage of a 4-inch diameter sphere? [405.9.1, 405.9.2]
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