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Signs, Doors & Controls

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Signs, Doors & Controls

Signs “Tactile characters” are read using touch, i.e. raised characters and Braille.

5.1 If there are signs designating permanent rooms and spaces not likely to change over time, e.g. room numbers and letters, room names, and exit signs: [216.2] Do text characters contrast with their backgrounds? [703.5] Are text characters raised? [703.2] Is there Braille? [703.3] Is the sign mounted: On the wall on the latch side of the door? [703.4.2] Note: Signs are permitted on the push side of doors with closers and without hold-open devices. With clear floor space beyond the arc of the door swing between the closed position and 45-degree open position, at least 18 x 18 inches centered on the tactile characters?* [703.4.2] So the baseline of the lowest character is at least 48 inches above the floor and the baseline of the highest character is no more than 60 inches above the floor? * [703.4.1] Note: If the sign is at double doors with one active leaf, the sign should be on the inactive leaf; if both leaves are active, the sign should be on the wall to the right of the right leaf.
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5.2 If there are signs that provide direction to or information about interior spaces: Do text characters contrast with their backgrounds? [703.5.1] Is the sign mounted so that characters are at least 40 inches above the floor? [703.5.6] Note: Raised characters and Braille are not required.
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Interior Doors – to classrooms, medical exam rooms, conference rooms, etc.

5.3 Is the door opening width at least 32 inches clear, between the face of the door and the stop, when the door is open 90 degrees? [404.2.3]
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5.4 If there is a front approach to the pull side of the door, is there at least 18 inches of maneuvering clearance beyond the latch side plus at least 60 inches clear depth? Note: See 2010 Standards 404.2.4 for maneuvering clearance requirements on the push side of the door and side approaches to the pull side of the door. On both sides of the door, is the floor surface of the maneuvering clearance level (no steeper than 1:48)? [404.2.4]
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5.5 If the threshold is vertical is it no more than ¼ inch high? Or No more than ½ inch high with the top ¼ inch beveled no steeper than 1:2, if the threshold was installed on or after the 1991 ADA Standards went into effect (1/26/93)? Or No more than ¾ inch high with the top ½ inch beveled no steeper than 1:2, if the threshold was installed before the 1991 ADA Standards went into effect (1/26/93)? [404.2.5, 303.2] Note: The first ¼ inch of the ½ or ¾ inch threshold may be vertical; the rest must be beveled.
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5.6 Is the door equipped with hardware that is operable with one hand and does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist? Door handle? Lock (if provided)? [404.2.7]
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5.7 Are the operable parts of the hardware no less than 34 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor? [404.2.7]
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5.8 Can the door be opened easily (5 pounds maximum force)? [404.2.9] Note: You can use a pressure gauge or fish scale to measure force. If you do not have one you will need to judge whether the door is easy to open.
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5.9 If the door has a closer, does it take at least 5 seconds to close from an open position of 90 degrees to a position of 12 degrees from the latch? [404.2.8.1]
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Rooms and Spaces – stores, supermarkets, libraries, etc.

5.10 Are aisles and pathways to goods and services, and to one of each type of sales and service counters, at least 36 inches wide? [403.5.1]
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5.11 Are floor surfaces stable, firm and slip resistant? [302.1]
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5.12 If there is carpet: Is it no higher than ½ inch? Is it securely attached along the edges? [302.2]
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Controls – light switches, security and intercom systems, emergency/alarm boxes, etc.

5.13 Is there a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide by at least 48 inches long for a forward or parallel approach? [305.3] Are the operable parts no higher than 48 inches above the floor?* [309.3, 308]
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5.14 Can the control be operated with one hand and without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist? [309.4]
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5.15 Accessible Route: Do hallways and corridors have a clearance of 36 inches with an occasional 5 x 5 foot space for turning and passing at intervals not exceeding 200 feet?
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5.16 Clear Width of Door: Do the doors to meeting rooms, the gym, pool, sauna, laun-dry and other guest service areas have a clear opening of 32 inches?
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