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Seating & Benches

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Seating & Benches

Seating: Assembly Areas – theaters, auditoriums, stadiums, theater style classrooms, etc.

6.1 Are an adequate number of wheelchair spaces provided? [221.2.1]
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6.2 Are wheelchair spaces dispersed to allow location choices and viewing angles equivalent to other seating, including specialty seating areas that provide distinct services and amenities? [221.2.3]
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6.3 Where people are expected to remain seated, do people in wheelchair spaces have a clear line of sight over and between the heads of others in front of them? [802.2.1.1, 802.1.1.2]
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6.4 Where people are expected to stand, do people in wheelchair spaces have a clear line of sight over and between the heads of others in front of them? [802.2.2.1, 802.1.2.2]
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6.5 If there is a single wheelchair space, is it at least 36 inches wide? [802.1.2]
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6.6 If there are two adjacent wheelchair spaces, are they each at least 33 inches wide? [802.1.2]
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6.7 If the wheelchair space can be entered from the front or rear, is it at least 48 inches deep? [802.1.3]
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6.8 If the wheelchair space can only be entered from the side, is it at least 60 inches deep? [802.1.3]
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6.9 Do wheelchair spaces adjoin, but not overlap, accessible routes? [802.1.4]
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6.10 Is there at least one companion seat for each wheelchair space? [221.3]
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6.11 Is the companion seat located so the companion is shoulder-to-shoulder with the person in a wheelchair? [802.3.1]
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6.12 Is the companion seat equivalent in size, quality, comfort and amenities to seating in the immediate area? [802.3.2]
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Seating: At dining surfaces (restaurants, cafeterias, bars, etc.) and non-employee work surfaces (libraries, conference rooms, etc.)

6.13 Are at least 5%, but no fewer than one, of seating and standing spaces accessible for people who use wheelchairs? [226.1]
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6.14 Is there a route at least 36 inches wide to accessible seating? [403.5.1]
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6.15 At the accessible space(s), is the top of the accessible surface no less than 28 inches and no greater than 34 inches above the floor? [902.3] Note: If for children, the top should be no less than 26 inches and no greater than 30 inches above the floor.
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6.16 Is there a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide by at least 48 inches long for a forward approach? [305.3] Does it extend no less than 17 inches and no greater than 25 inches under the surface? Is there knee space at least 27 inches high and at least 30 inches wide? [306.2, 306.3] Note: If for children, the knee space may be 24 inches high.
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Seating: General – reception areas, waiting rooms, etc.

6.17 Is there at least one space at least 36 inches wide by at least 48 inches long for a person in a wheelchair? [802.1.2, 802.1.3]
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Benches – In locker rooms, dressing rooms, fitting rooms This section does not apply to any other benches.

6.18 In locker rooms, dressing rooms and fitting rooms, is there at least one room with a bench? [222.1, 803.4]
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6.19 Is there a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide by at least 48 inches long at the end of the bench and parallel to the short axis of the bench? Is the bench seat at least 42 inches long and no less than 20 inches and no greater than 24 inches deep? Does the bench have back support or is it affixed to a wall? Is the top of the bench seat no less than 17 inches and no greater than 19 inches above the floor? [903]
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