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Employer Planning and Consulting Services


(833) ADA-XPRT


We are in the third decade of the 21st century and most baby boomers are at or near retirement age. However, in today’s economy many continue to work past traditional departures. Regardless of age, employees or applicants capable of performing required duties needing accommodations arising from a disability, are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act. As a result, if you refuse to make reasonable modifications to a work area or policy, it will often trigger litigation. Likewise, if you terminate protected individuals without cause or reject qualified applicants to avoid said changes, more often than not, you or your company WILL BE SUED!

ADA-Expert creates plans to avoid costly litigation and allow businesses to keep productive team members productive. Workers who know that a firm values and appreciates them and their cohorts for the long haul, have greater loyalty, even when they face unexpected challenges. Our expertise of working with the disabled community over the past quarter century, creates a unique familiarity with evolution of special needs in our society. Imparting our expertise to your firm, we remove surprises, increase stability and safeguard operational continuity.

Contact ADA-Expert today to schedule a free consultation to see how we can help you succeed!

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